The RUST OF the grass (Graminis)
If your lawn is infected with rust of the lawn or you want, however, to prevent this problem, follow the indications below:
- Give the lawn the nitrogen it is necessary because if the grass is deficient in nitrogen is most susceptible to rust. The regular application of a granular fertilizer, slow release will help to provide the lawn with nutrients
- Increase the frequency of the cut. This will help to stimulate the development of the turf. If you can maintain vigorous growth of your lawn, you falcerà before the spores can get on the surface of the leaves, reducing the spread of the disease
- Collect, if possible, the infected residuals of the mowing
- Water thoroughly and infrequently to the lawn during periods of drought, to keep it in force
- Water the lawn in the early hours of the morning so that the lawn dries quickly and does not remain at the surface of the lawn wet for long, as this increases the likelihood of infection by the rust
- Aerates the lawn to improve drainage and promote air circulation
- Reseeding operations in the areas severely damaged by the rust, with mixtures of seed particolarmenete resistant to this disease
- Reduce shadow areas, this will allow condensation and moisture to fade away more quickly