Dead ZONE-RING (various species)
This disease is a form parasitic in the family of fungi. The fungi live in the soil and on infected leaves throughout the year.These fungi feed by subtracting the grass the nutrients they need.
The disease spreads on the lawn through the spores. These spores are scattered by wind, air, and water from the flooring of the people.
This disease occurs when the lawn is subjected to various stress factors, such as the old age of the same, the temperature or the watering and mowing improper.
Typically, this disease occurs on lawns with a mature more than one year, but sometimes it also affects meadows sown recently. The symptoms may intensify in clay soils or very compact.

The symptoms of this disease include the following:
This disease is difficult to control.
Correct the habits of maintenance to limit the problem.
Below you will find some tips on what to avoid and what to do to prevent and treat the dead zones ring:
The symptoms of this disease include the following:
- The disease creates on the lawn of the rings the yellowed grass healthy inside the ring
- The leaves become yellow as straw, and die from the tip down
- Because the visual result of this disease is referred to as ven "eyes of frog"
- Initially, the areas are 5-10 cm in diameter only, but can expand to reach 30-50 cm in diameter
- Even if the symptoms are more visible when the fungus is most active during periods of damp and cold, the same sometimes you can see during the warmer seasons
- During the warm months and dry, the symptoms may reappear because of the heat and water stress
This disease is difficult to control.
Correct the habits of maintenance to limit the problem.
Below you will find some tips on what to avoid and what to do to prevent and treat the dead zones ring:
- When the disease is in the early stages the rings may be dug out with a shovel to rid the soil of the spores of the disease. Remove the grass and soil to a depth of 15-20cm. Wash the shovel and any other equipment lawn and garden including the lawn mower before using it again to prevent the spores spreading. Rake the area, fill the hole in the potting soil and reseeding operations in the area with a seed mixture of ryegrass that is more resistant to the disease
- If the area is very infected to remove all the rings is unreasonable
- Always give your lawn the right amount of water. In normal circumstances you have to water them thoroughly and in depth, but if the lawn is infected with dead zones ring, it is preferable to give small amounts of water frequently
- Do not water at night. The water that remains on the lawn the night, struggling to aciugarsi and promotes the spread of disease through droplets of water
- Mowing often the lawn to a height of 5-8 cm with a blade razor-sharp
- By the right amount of phosphorus and potassium and spread the nitrogen in slow release
- Check the state of compactness of the soil that can promote the symptoms of the disease. The aeration mechanical helps to make the soil less compact.