Fairy rings (Marasmius oreades)
The infection by Marasmius oreades (also called the Fairy Ring is one of the most annoying problems of the lawns.The fungus is contained in the soil and penetrates to a depth of 30 cm. The fungus attacks a central point and grows outwards.
The disease spreads on the lawn in the form of spores. These spores are spread by wind, air, and water from the flooring of the people.
This disease occurs at the beginning of the summer in the form of bands or o-rings where the grass is green and the adjacent areas has a faster growth and a darker color. The bands vary in width from 10-30 cm and the rings vary in diameter from 0.9 to 60 meters or more according to the number of years of development undisturbed. Along the inner edge of such rings, the grass will soon be much weakened and often die temporarily. Accordingly, the rings usually consist of an external band vigorous and dark green, that surrounds a band of little grass colored and this, in turn, may contain an area of grass plain in the centre. In smaller rings the grass is weakened and can occupy the whole central area. During the rainy periods the fungus mother gives life to the fruiting bodies, commonly known as mushrooms, along the circumference of the ring.

The Fairy Ring is a disease very difficult to control. This is due to the fact that the fungus is contained within the soil. The turf may be removed and the underlying soil may be replaced up to a depth of 30 cm. This method is, however, very expensive, difficult to implement and not always effective because of re-infestation.
A practical way to tackle the problem is to take a riser from the faucet, place it in the centre of the ring, and water thoroughly. The water will submerge the lawn and wash away the disease from the plants. Then traseminare the damaged areas with a mixture of seeds varietòà more resistant to disease. The fungus will still be present in the soil, but the key problem will be to keep the lawn healthy and thick so that it can better resist a new onset of growth of the fungus. The elimination of the fungus is difficult but with a good lawn maintenance will be practical and effective suppress it, and to prevent the developments.
The Fairy Ring is a disease very difficult to control. This is due to the fact that the fungus is contained within the soil. The turf may be removed and the underlying soil may be replaced up to a depth of 30 cm. This method is, however, very expensive, difficult to implement and not always effective because of re-infestation.
A practical way to tackle the problem is to take a riser from the faucet, place it in the centre of the ring, and water thoroughly. The water will submerge the lawn and wash away the disease from the plants. Then traseminare the damaged areas with a mixture of seeds varietòà more resistant to disease. The fungus will still be present in the soil, but the key problem will be to keep the lawn healthy and thick so that it can better resist a new onset of growth of the fungus. The elimination of the fungus is difficult but with a good lawn maintenance will be practical and effective suppress it, and to prevent the developments.