Pre-winter fertilization

Fertilization for the Pre-Winter period

The winter season is a source of strong stress for the carpet which finds itself having to endure very low temperatures and frost.
It is therefore necessary to supply the lawn with a high dose of potassium , an element identified in the categories of fertilizers with the letter K.

Let's see how potassium will help your lawn.
Potassium acts in the collar of plants, that is, in the area of passage between the stem and the root, at ground level.
This action gives the lawn the ability to better resist cold stress .
In addition, potassium prolongs the coloring of the turf during the first winter frosts.

The product we recommend is the Fertilizzante Autumn K 21-0-25 Autumn K 21-0-25 , a winter fertilizer that must be given about 2 to 3 weeks before the severe cold arrives.
The fertilizer must also contain an adequate nitrogen fraction, an element identified in the categories of fertilizers with the letter N, with prolonged action of the 100% slow release type.

The action of potassium and slow-release nitrogen will allow the lawn to survive the winter and reach spring healthy and ready for the vegetative restart.

You will get a better result if after the potassium fertilization you do biostimulating treatment
For this treatment we recommend biostimulant Biostimolante Always Always Biostimulant based on humic acids.

These products, applied by foliar way, have soil amendment properties and their effect is manifested in the stimulation of photosynthesis , respiration and translocation of the nutrients, in a soil amendment effect which, thanks to the presence of humic / fulvic acids, performs an anti-stress action and biostimulant to vegetation, finally facilitating the absorption of the main nutritional elements.

Before winter we recommend one application per week for three consecutive weeks using a dose of 80 ml per 100 square meters of lawn each time.
This dose should be diluted in about 10 liters of water.