In order to guarantee beauty and long life to your lawn, it will be necessary to take care of it by intervening with constant and well-made mowings.
Here are 6 simple tips for perfectly done shaving:
The optimal cutting height for a mix of Festuca Arundinacea and Poa Pratense (the "Classic" lawn) for the whole seasonal period is about 4cm.
It is advisable to respect the rule never to cut more than 30% of the vegetation present.
For example, if a turf has reached 7 cm in height, after the first cut, it should be brought to about 5cm, and then lower it to 4cm a few days later.
With increasing temperatures the grass grows faster and to maintain 4cm you will have to increase the cutting frequency.
So we recommend in spring and late summer to increase the cutting frequency until you cut twice a week to keep the height of the carpet at 4 cm.
It is recommended to have sharp mower blades, especially for cutting mixtures with Festuca Arundinacea, which are the hardest to cut.
If mulching with unloading on the ground is preferred rather than collection in the bag, it is advisable to reduce the percentage of mowing to 20% of the height of the grass and it is advisable to increase the frequency of the mowing so as to have a very chopped mowing.
Particularly for surfaces greater than 50 square meters, we recommend the use of lawn mowers with internal combustion engines, as they are equipped with more powerful engines and higher blade revolutions.
They also do not have an electric cable which considerably slows down mowing operations.