Green Up 16-0-0 + 3.5 Fe - Liquid fertilizer for the lawn of 5 Kg Bottos - 1
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Green Up 16-0-0 + 3.5 Fe - Liquid fertilizer for the lawn of 5 Kg

Greening. Mossproof.

€49.48 Tax included

€47.57 Tax excluded


Green Up 16-0-0 + 3.5 Fe - Concime liquido per prato da 1 Kg
Green Up 16-0-0 + 3.5 Fe - Concime liquido per prato da 5 Kg
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Green Up 16-0-0 + 3.5 Fe - Liquid fertilizer for the lawn of 5 Kg
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Green Up by Bottos is a greening and biostimulating fertilizer based on nitrogen and iron sulphate. The immediately available component of Iron is useful in the elimination and control of moss. Green Up has an immediate greening and acidifying action. It can be used to avoid the discoloration and yellowing of the lawn due to herbicide treatments against weeds. Green Up increases the production of chlorophyll.

During use it is advisable to pay attention to the surfaces outside the turf since the iron, derived from sulphate, can give rise to stains on sidewalks and / or walkways. Thanks to its high acidifying power, it is an excellent enhancer of the efficacy of phytosanitary treatments, extending the operating times of the agropharmaceutical.

Period of use

Data sheet
10 Items

Green Up data sheet

Composition, period of use and recommended dosage of Bottos Green Up lawn fertilizer.

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Buy it with

  • Green Up 16-0-0 + 3.5 Fe - Liquid fertilizer for the lawn of 5 Kg
  • +
  • Summer K 10-0-30 - Lawn fertilizer 10 kg
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  • Autumn K 21-0-25 - Fertilizer for the lawn of 25 Kg
  • €198.72-10 %
    Total price: €178.85

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