Pre-winter fertilization

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With the decrease of temperatures and duration and light intensity, the turf slows down its growth by limiting the absorption of nitrogen progressively from the beginning of autumn, while the potassium still remains at higher levels.

This involves a shift in the priorities of the plant from the growth of the shoots, to the accumulation of reserve substances to overcome the cold periods.

At this point it is advisable to start using a fertilizer rich in nitrogen (N) which is however slow-releasing, that is, which allows the plant to absorb only what the temperature of the soil allows for its release, i.e. progressively, little by little. Furthermore, the fertilizer must contain a high potassium content (K) to harden the vegetation and facilitate the accumulation of reserve substances in the roots.

For this purpose, one of the best fertilizers to use is

Bottos Autumn K 21-0-25

Alternatively, the following products can also be used:

Bottos Slow K Bottos Summer K 10-0-30 Herbatech GeenUp Vigor +

The shortening of the hours of light, moreover, involves a greater exposure of the lawns to the shadow effect, which obviously does not go to the advantage of the turf, pushing the vegetation to a vegetative growth effort to increase height and leaf surface to intercept more light. This fact distorts the carpet by lengthening it, thinning it and reducing the root system, facilitating the disappearance of the continuity of turf. To avoid this, we recommend carrying out two foliar treatments with specific products that counteract this phenomenon, restoring order to the growth of the carpet before its winter rest which occurs with the appearance of the first frosts.

The recommended product is the Pre-Stress Bottos

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