Winter finally ends with its gray and cold days and the new season full of life and energy begins.
Nature awakens from its hibernation and rekindles a whole series of vital functions which explode, for the field of our interest, in the revegetation of trees, shrubs and meadows.
SPRINT N 27-0-14Polyon-based fertilizer with a high nitrogen content with programmed release for use from late winter to late summer. Transfer duration: 10-12 weeks. Dosage 30-35 g/m2. | |
PERFECT LIFEVegetative boost fertilizer with balance between the nutrition of the lawn and the needs of the soil with special natural integrated mycorrhizal inoculum. Important improvement in the biofertility of the substrates. Transfer duration: 6-10 weeks. Dosage: 20-35 g/m2. | |
HELP 10-5-7 + microComplete fertilizer enriched with the entire chain of chelated microelements Dosage: Foliar: 250-400 g/100 m2 diluted in 5-10 liters of water. Radical: 250-500 g/100 m2 diluted in 10-20 liters of water. | |
POWER LIQUIDNatural organic soil improver with humic and fulvic extracts from Leonardite. Restoration of biofertility, root development, protection of microbial flora. Dosage: Radical: 500-800 g/100 m2 diluted in 10-20 liters of water. | |
MYKO POWERIntegrated mycorrhizal inoculant for respect for nature and low environmental impact. Dosage: Radical: 20-40 g/100 m2 diluted in 10-20 liters of water. | |
TRYKO PLUSInoculation of mycorrhizal fungi assists in the fight against fungal pathologies of turf. Dosage: Radical: 25-30 g/100 m2 diluted in 10-20 liters of water. | |
ROYAL BLUE PLUS90% Festuca arundinacea - 10% Poa pratense TANNED SEED developed characteristics of resistance to drought and salinity, to thermal extremes, to the main pathologies, to trampling and even to partial shade. Leaf texture: narrow. Coloration: dark. | |
ROYAL BLUE90% Festuca arundinacea - 10% Poa pratense Uniform and dense aesthetic appearance. Low maintenance intensity and high resistance to trampling. Exceptional drought and disease tolerance. Leaf texture: narrow. Coloration: dark. | |
BIOSTART P 12-20-15Starter fertilization based on phosphorus with the addition of humic acids in order to speed up germination and improve mineral absorption. Transfer duration: 8-10 weeks. Dosage 30-40 g/m2. | |
START LIFE 10-15-10 + 2 MgO + microIntroduction of new concepts in plant nutrition with links between humic acids, chemical elements and microelements. Enrichment of the residual fertility of soils. Transfer duration: 6-10 weeks. Dosage: 20-35 g/m2. | |
NUTRIENT 5-0-7 + IMIStrong development of endogenous defenses. Reactivation of microbial activity. FREE OF BAD ODORS. Development of plant defenses. Ideal for preparatory fertilization. Transfer duration: 6 weeks. Dosage: 40-100 g/m2. |