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The spring regeneration of the lawn. How to do it?

Performing a turf regeneration operation in spring could be considered a rather "advantageous" operation for our lawn that shows the signs and stress of a rainy and cold winter. This operation is highly recommended especially if the lawn already has a life span of 2/3 years. We will simplify below into 4 simple processing steps:
1. Shaving
The first operation to be carried out is the mowing or mowing of the lawn. In this case, compared to ordinary maintenance smoothing, it must be carried out lower than usual to allow a deeper cleaning of the felt that will be carried out later. So in the case of a classic fescue and poa carpet the height of the mower will be adjusted to about 2 cm. If the height of the lawn at the time of work is too high, we recommend that you mow in degrees, that is, starting to mow by adjusting the machine to the maximum height and lowering it by making two or three passes. It is also useful to sharpen the blade well before starting to mow.
2. The aeration
This operation will allow you to remove the felt, that is the residues of grass, leaves and plant residues accumulated over time with the mowings. Felt is initially useful to retain soil moisture, but when it becomes excessive it will have the opposite effect by no longer allowing water and air to penetrate the soil and thus generating asphyxiation to the plant. This situation will also make the lawn more susceptible to disease.
It is possible to do this either manually, using specificaerator rakes, with eitheraerating machines. It is advisable to carry out two "cross" passages.
3. The re-sowing
The re-sowing operation of the lawn is essential following the above and will serve to renew the vegetation of the turf. Even better if the re-sowing of the lawn is performed simultaneously with the sandblasting, allowing the seed to remain protected and covered in order to germinate more easily.
The equipment suitable to carry out this operation is to all intents and purposes theREGENERATOR, which thanks to the fixed blades of the rotor, sliding into the ground, buries the seed creating the necessary slots for excellent germination. The operation of regenerating the lawn is carried out by proceeding in two opposite directions, in a "cross" shape. This setting allows for perfect tillering and growth of the grass.
In case you don't have oneregenerating machineyou could opt for rental in specialized green centers or sowing with afertilizer spreader trolleyand then go over with a scarifier rake trying to lightly bury the seed.
For the seeds to be used there are some types created specifically for the regeneration of lawns such as:
BottosOverseedorHerbatechhuh Green Up Replay
Or you could opt to choose the same type of existing lawn.
4. Fertilization
Simultaneously with sowing it is essential to fertilize with a fertilizer rich in phosphorus which will allow optimal germination of the seeds. To this end, some recommended fertilizers areBottosSowing and overseedingor theHerbatechGreen Up Seed Start
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