Correct the irrigation with RI IRRIGO - LESSON 9

By : Davide - Categories : Lawn care Rss feed
Let's fix it together!

Don't dig, RE-IRRATE your garden!
10 tips to bring your irrigation system back to life...
and your garden!

NINTH Council
XFS sub-irrigation dripline
  • The sprinkler irrigation system irrigates the surface of the lawn and a large part of the distributed water evaporates due to the heat.
  • When the surface is wet, the lawn is not livable and gardening operations such as mowing the lawn cannot be carried out.
  • Rain irrigation washes out the smallest particles of the soil, favoring its compaction and thus reducing the aeration of the roots.
  • The soil and leaves are often wet, favoring fungal diseases and weed germination.
Solution and advantages
  • Water waste due to evaporation, mist, surface runoff or drift is eliminated.
  • The surface is always dry and your lawn is always livable. Furthermore, you can carry out gardening operations at any time.
  • The soil is less compact and the grass is healthier, with a better root system and more oxygen.
  • Fewer fungal diseases and less weed germination.
Your lawn is important... and so is our water!

A perfect lawn fundamentally depends on a perfect irrigation system.
Therefore, perfecting your irrigation system allows you to get the lawn you have always wanted.

Furthermore, water is a limited natural resource.
Learning to use this resource intelligently is becoming increasingly important.
The RI IRRIGO project saves you 80% of water.

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